Congratulations to Our Associates on their High-Performance Team Coaches Clinic
We are very excited to announce the recent graduations of Cory Bracy and Josh Eichler from the Performance Matters High Performance Team(HPT) Coaches Clinic Service Leadership Training. That’s a long title, we know, but it represents a significant milestone in our team’s professional development journey – and we are very proud of these two associates!
High Performance Team Coaches Clinic
As part of this clinic, both Cory and Josh experienced rigorous training designed specifically for the Textile Rental & Service Industry. The Coaches Clinic and HPT training platform provides leaders within our service team with the tools necessary to take the next step in delivering world-class service for our customers and to advance Gallagher’s competitive edge as the premiere provider in mid and southwest Michigan and northern Indiana. Josh graduated in 2017 and Cory finished up his training in early 2018.
“The overall goal is to train managers and supervisors to compete against national brands in the industry,” said Josh. “It’s all about networking, sharing ideas and processes that have made a difference and/or built a strong foundation for the independents.”
Cory mentioned that, “Performance Matters Coaches Clinic was not your cookie cutter seminar. In this clinic we experienced a high level of participation in group discussions and team building activities. The goal of Performance Matters is to take these learned skills and tactics and apply them within our route service teams.”
Not Your Typical Training
Over the course of the program, the Coaches Clinic graduates received classroom training along with over 240 Service training lessons housed in the HPT Online Training platform, delivering an overall learning experience unmatched in the industry. Coaches moved through each class segment with designated teams throughout the training series, completing all classes together, fostering individual and team accountability. Only those who complete the program graduate, earning a certification which is becoming a standard in the industry for Service Training.
“The opportunity to meet others in the industry and the chance to really spend some time with them, was an aspect of this clinic I enjoyed the most,” said Josh. “There was always a conversation going on that you could relate to and learn from. The networking is going to be a priceless tool and a huge factor in my growth within this industry.”
Sharing With Our Service Team
Both graduates came out of the program excited to share and implement some of the new tools they learned, along with the online learning program from HPT, with the rest of the Gallagher Uniform Service Team. “I have a renewed commitment to building an even stronger team,” said Cory. “Once we have the program up and running for our RSRs, we will be leaning on each other more and holding one another to a new level of accountability.”
Josh and Cory both agree that out of all of the seminars Gallagher Uniform has sent them to, the HPT Coaches Clinic taught them the most. Not only did they gain a lot of valuable knowledge from attending the classes, but they will also continue to learn from the HPT staff and all of the connections made through HPT.
“I think the knowledge that the staff brings to the table and the methods they use to pass it along, is second to none,” said Josh.
Again, we are very proud of Cory and Josh on their graduation from such a valuable and time-intensive program. At Gallagher,we truly value professional development and believe that continuous learning and positive create the cornerstone of our current and future success.